Here at OSS we have been blessed with some outstanding employees over the last few years...
We wanted to take the time for you all to get to know them a little better by providing our audience with an Employee Showcase.
How has OSS Office Support Services helped you in your career development?
“Office Support Services is the sole reason that I am confident telling people that accounting is my future profession. It’s the first job in which I’ve been in a professional setting, and I have and continue to learn so many relevant skills regarding the accounting field and I look forward to everyday because I know I’m going to be able to retain some new piece of information that will benefit me and my future.”
What are 3 words to describe OSS Office Support Services?
“Friendly, Reliable, Family”
What have you gained from working at OSS Office Support Services?
“As I stated above, I’ve gained a plethora of skills that will not only benefit me in my professional development, but also skills that I can use in my every day life. I’ve gained a sense of professionalism, and I have gained the ability to finally see a finish line. I can see where I’m going because of OSS.”
What is your favorite part about working for OSS Office Support Services?
“Waking up in the morning and going to a job that I actually enjoy having. I feel like I’m going to learn something new every day.”
What is your role at OSS Office Support Services?
“I am a Bookkeeper at OSS who dabbles and does a little bit of everything for everyone!”
If you were an animal what would you be?
“This may be a little obscure, but my girlfriend and I have discussed this a bit and we’ve come to the conclusion that being a Hippo would be awesome! They can fend off basically any other animal, and while they are very fat they still are very quick. They can run on land at speeds up to 19mph and are one of the most feared animals in Africa!”
Tell us something about your family that might surprise us.
“I am now the tallest member in my whole family at 6’7. Not just my immediate family either.”
What is on your bucket list?
“I’ve always wanted to run with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. That would be such an exhilarating experience, and the way I look at it is I just have to make sure I’m faster than the guy next to me. ”
What is your favorite sport?
“Baseball is easily my favorite sport, but with that being said I am a fan of most sports. If there’s a good game on TV there’s a good chance I’ll be watching it. My favorite teams are all teams from Michigan. Detroit Tigers, Lions, Red Wings, Pistons, and the Michigan Wolverines!”
Where is your hometown?
“I was born here in Oviedo Florida, and have lived in the same house for all my life.”